Prepare Chinesse Menu English Version

Today was our first day into the table menu of D'hotel rotasi II.1. Just like the regular day, before entering the kitchen, our grooming were checked. After that we entered the kitchen. Before we prepared the ingredients, first of all we were given referrals by our supervisor. And the menu that we were preparing were appetizer and peanut salad, for our soup we served traditional egg soup, for our main course we served beef rice bowl and for the dessert we served tang yyan and Tang zhong for the bread.

For today, group 1 prepared the food, and group 2 would do the project that will be developed until fifth semester. Because my group never handled dessert, so today it was our turn for it. Just like I said, the dessert that we made was Tang yuan. Tang yuan or ronde is a dessert from china where it is usually made or served in a family gathering, for example marriage. The inggredients are so simple, such as water and glutinous rice flour. We also can put something in there or not.

The making of Tang yuang is very simple. The first step is the glutinous rice flour mix with warm water until it forms a soft batter. After that divided the batter into three part and give different color to them. After that form the batter into small round like ondeonde and put somethin in it. For today, the stuffing that we put in Tang yuang is black sesame seed that have been smoothed with sugar. After that the small round batter is blanched until it is expand in the boiling water. If the batter have risen into the water surface, take out the batter and let them getting cool for a moment. Usually tang yuang is served with sweet sauce.


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