Prepare Indonesian Menu English Version

Hallo guys, welcome to my blog. In this post I would like to tell about all the things that my group have been done. For today we got off. Means that we did not make any lunch but we focused to do our project that will be continued until the fifth semester. But I had the chance to help my friends who handled lunch that would be served at resto, I helped in dessert section. For today's menu was thailand menu, and the dessert that would be served was khao neow ma muany

Khao neow ma muany is dessert from thailand. This dessert made from glutinous rice, mango and coconut milk. Just like indonesian food , this food is the special food from thailand because the glutinous rice within this food functioned  as the neutralizer of the spicy taste in thailand menu that is dominated by the spicy, acid and sweet taste. The making of this food is also easy which is cook the glutinous rice with coconut milk. After that form the glutinous rice into oval form. After that, put mango in the glutinous rice, the size of the mango is according the size of the formed glutinous rice. So it is neow ma munay.

And after I finished helping in the dessert section, I got back to my group and did the project. For today we tried to make the idea from one of our group member. He had the idea to make pozza but changed the main ingredient (bread) with egg to lower the prize and make people to buy our project. Our project also used ingridients that are easy to find. And the ingredients are onion, eggs, carrots, red chillie, cheese and some other ingridients. But because something, our project was declined. And this is our project:


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