Menu Rotasi 1 English Version

Today we were getting into the kitchen at 8 o'clock. Before getting in, our grooming were check by supervisor like usual. After checking our grooming, we were allowed to get in to the kitchen. Before we prepare food that will be presented to the restaurant, we were briefed by Mr. syahrial about presenting our food. Around 10:00 we begin processing the materials that have been in yesterday's prepare lunch in the restaurant. My group is tasked to make appetizer chicken salad Hawaiian. Most ingredients are already prepared the previous day as dressing and chicken, so we stayed prepare ingrediants are not yet prepared.

Chicken Salad Hawaian

After we finish plating for Hawaiian chicken salad, we help groups that needed help so the food is served on time. Around 11:50 all the food ready to serve. Me and some of my friends get a chance to table manners in the restaurant. In resto I am one table with three other people from the different study programs. Each turn of the food, I explain what foods are served in front of them. They also commented on the foods provided and the favorite dish is shrimp bisque (maincourse) and butter cake (dessert).

Shrimp Bisque

butter Cake
After we finished lunch at the restaurant. we went back to the kitchen and resting for worship. While waiting for the group 2 prepare lunch for tomorrow, we started to clean up the work area so that when the GC does not require a long time yet. The lunch menu tomorrow is macedoine of vegetable mayonnaise (appetizer), minestrone soup (soup), Fillet of fish meuniere (maincourse), potato au gratin (maincourse), glazed root vegetables (maincourse) and choux a la creme (dessert).  They finish prepare around 16:00 and we started GC. Around 17:00 we selsai GC and as usual before going home.


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