Indonesian Breakfast (English Version)

Today we went in at 7:00. Today we are still open restaurant and our menu today is "Indonesian Breakfast". I will explain a little about Indonesian breakfast. Indonesian breakfast iskind of breakfast typical of Indonesia, the kind that serve is typical of local Indonesian food, the food is presented is not muchvariations in the grain. Indonesian Breakfast consists of Fresh Juice / Fresh Fruit, Cereal (such as steamed rice, fried rice, chicken porridge), Egg dishes (such as omelet, egg, sunny side up), Meat and Poultry (such as chicken satay, fried chicken), and Hot Beverages.

Indonesian Breakfast menu today we have prepared is sliced fruit, french rice, french noodle, chicken poridge, baverage (coffee and tea) ,. My group was tasked to make french rice. We share responsibility for making french fries. We start work at 7:30. After I finish my work, I helped my friends doing his job unfinished. I helped prepare for fruit slice fruit dish. The contents of a slice of fruit is peaches, grapes, oranges and watermelon

At around 9:50 all the finished dish and the food served to the restaurant. We make food for 20 pax and special for our fruit slice made for 60 pax. Resto close at 11:30 of almost all the menu we provide consumables. We also resting at 12:00 for lunch. We entered reviwe until 13:00 and 14:30. After that we resting again to wait the 4th semester finished working on its product. At around 15:10 we did the GC and finish at 17:20.


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