Today we were getting into the kitchen at 8 o'clock. Before getting in, our grooming were check by supervisor like usual. After checking our grooming, we were allowed to get in to the kitchen. After getting in, before making oneline in the cold kitchen we need to put our stuff in the locker room. Around 8:20 we were given material anda guidence by OTB lecturer Mr.syahrial and finished around 9:30. And the material was about product breakfast. After that, we were given overview about the stuffs we were going to do.

We were divided in to 10 groups and each group had to make a product. I was in the group 1 and we had to make soft roll. And the ingredients to make that were : 
  • Water                                         720g
  • Yeast                                          14g
  • Hard flour                                  1250g
  • Salt                                             24g
  • Sugar                                          125g
  • Nonfat milk powder                   60g
  • Shortening                                  60g
  • Buteer or margarine                   15g

From the ingredients above, we only made 1/4 out of the recipe, so we devided the ingridients in to 4. After given the overview, it was time for us to doing. First of all we miced  an place. After that we started to make soft roll. We were helped by the supervisor. When the batter are mixed well, it was proofing. And after that it was scaling porting and we formed the batter in to roll shaped. After that it was baked until it's done. And this was the result from our group :

From ten groups, we made 3 producys which were hard roll, soft roll and twist bread. And these are the result of the group who made the hard roll and twist bread:

Around 12:40 we were having a break for lunch and doing prayer. Around 13:30 we continue to made croissant and danish. We were devided in to 5 groups and my group was on duty to made croissant. We did not bake our second product and only prepare for tomorrow. Around 17:30 we were done and doing GC. we were done around 18:30 and went home.


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