Daily 4 September 2018
As usual, we entered the kitchen before 8:00 a.m. Before entered our grooming and our tools are checked first. If our tools are not complete, we will be given panism because as a kitchen person we must always prepare all preparations well, so that we do not interfere with the operational path in Kitchen. After everything was checked one by one, we entered the kitchen and oneline in mainkitchen.
Today is the second day we are practiced this week. On the first day we only prepared for buffet celebes, especially for the group I get a turn to maked soup for one week a week this practice. Yesterday we prepared for soup saudara and soup sayur labu santan. For soup saudara, you need a perkedel kentang as a condiment. In the previous blog, I have explained how to make a potato dough mixture. For this day, potatoes are fried after being formed.
Before being fried, perkedel kentang are first covered with eggs. After all I had fried, I kept the potato dumplings and helped my friend to make soup sayur labu santan. The way to make it is easy and even soup is often made at home. First boil chicken stock, then stir-fry.After stocking, add seasoning, coconut milk, pumpkin, long beans and green beans. After that boil again and after boiling then simmer the soup. Soup is ready to be served. After that we prepare for soup tomorrow.

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