Daily 21 August 2018
Today we entered faster than usual. Because we opened the restaurant for lunch, so we had to arrived early at 7.15. We were oneline at 7.15 and before entered the kitchen, our grooming checked by a supervisior. After that we are oneline and get a little direction from our supervisior. We also started doing for lunch later. Lunch will started at 12.00. When we were doing, we were told oneline again because Chef dino wanted to give us directions.
We were given directions by chef dino and we were required to finish all meals before 11.00 and at 11.00 we had to presenting our food. We also started doing again, each group accounted for the menu they made and tried to finish before 11.00. As I said on the previous blog, our menu this time is Indonesian Buffet. After approached at 11.00 there are still some of us who have not finished the food they made, so some of us have helped the unfinished.
After 11:00 we presenting for lunch at the restaurant. After everything is finished, we keep more food for us to eat. We are targeted by Chef Dino that at 3:00 p.m. the activities in the kitchen especially d mainkitchen no longer exists. So after we finished storing more food we immediately proceeded to GC to be able to carry out orders from the dino chef. After finishing GC, we also ate together "more food before, after that we took a break and continued the GC in the new kitchen. There are two new kitchens.

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