Daily 20 Agustus 2018 English Version
As usual, today we entered in kitchen at 8:00. Before entered the kitchen our grooming still checked by supervisior. After our grooming checked, we entered in the kitchen for oneline. Half of this time we went into the buffet menu. This semester we entered the buffet menu. So, the buffet menu is a way of serving food at parties and restaurants by putting food on a long table and visitors take the desired menu themselves. Buffet is very popular in Indonesia because it is practical and reduces the number of waiters needed in a reception .
As for our menu for this week Indonesian Buffet for appetizers we will provide dojang nakeng and rujak nie. For soup we will provide Padang soup and vinegar. For maincourse we will provide coconut milk, vegetable plecing, meat hagape, taliwang grilled chicken and not forget the white rice. And for dessert we will provide doko doko and injin. For today we only prepared. We will open the restaurant tomorrow for lunch.
We finished preparing at 3:00 p.m. and we also started gc. After we were finished, we were not careful for a while, but due to an error, we were told to repeat it. But it turned out that we were not told to repeat it but semester 5. We also waited for Mr. Ical. Before oneline to go home, we were welcome to eat first by Mr. Ical. After finishing eating, we again waited for Mr. Ical to close the class today. At around 5:00 p.m. we were oneline and we returned to our homes

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