Daily 09 Agustus 2018

Today was the day I took the LSP examination. Professional Certification Institutions (LSP) are institutions that carry out professional certification activities that obtain licenses from the National Professional Certification Agency (BNSP). Licenses are granted through an accreditation process by BNSP stating that the relevant LSP has fulfilled the requirements to conduct professional certification activities. So the LSP exam is a compulsory program from campus to test our abilities. But this time the LSP exam is somewhat different. With the technological advancements of today, our show is no longer a test of ability directly in front of assessors (examiners) but we only show our expertise through video.

What we have to test is basic cutting, basic stock and basic sauce. I chose to test basic cutting fish, basic fish stock, and basic mayonnaise sauce. My first video is basic cutting fish. For basic cutting fish, before demonstrating it I must prepare fish. So there are several stages of fish preparation, including drawn, which is dividing the fish's stomach and removing the fish's stomach. the next step is dressed. dressed is the stage where we separate the meat and bones of fish. and finally the skinout. skinout, which separates fish flesh and skin

My next video is making stock and mayonnaise. Stock is the result of bone decoction, buoquet garnie and mirpoix which are simmer with a certain time to extract the extract. Stock there are two types, namely white stock (chicken stock, fish stock, vegetable stock) and brown stock (beef stock). After finishing making stock, I continued to make the last video, which is making mayonnaise. Mayonnaise or mayonnaise is one type of sauce made from the main ingredients of vegetable oil, chicken eggs and vinegar. Mayonnaise is commonly used as flavorings in foods such as lettuce or sandwiches

Bahan Pembuatan Fish Stock

Penyaringan Fish Stock

Pembuatan mayonaise


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