Daily In First Week Of Practice

After the PKN  done at the Novotel Airport Hotel Banjarmasin, finally me and some of my friends who had also completed their PKN returned to campus again. After 6 months, a lot of things have changed, both the kitchen and the rules. Now we have entered 5th Semster, where in this 5th semester we will focus on pastry & bakery section. The first week, we entered the week of practice, where this is the first time we practice in the kitchen Poltekpar after 6 months. This week we are still adjusted.

The first week we studied about fast food material. Where we were divided into two groups namely group one and group two. Group one gets a brazilian menu, and group two gets a Korean menu. I entered in group one, while the menu for group one was piquealo, parahuela, lomo saltodo, conxinhas, pastel, and quindim. We made this food as a fast food menu, where we had to served this food quickly if someone ordered the food. When people ordered food, the maximum time to wait for food is 15 minutes.

Pique a lo macho is food consisting of cuts of beef and fried potatoes or pieces of potato with a bite size, mixed with onion, boiled egg, locoto, mustard, mayonnaise and ketchup. Small portions are called piques, while large portions are called pique machos. Quindim is a traditional dissert from Brazil whose main ingredients are made from egg yolks, sugar and grated coconut. Quindim is a kind of pudding that has a sparkling surface and an intense yellow color.


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