Table D'Hote English Version

Just like the day before, we entered the kitchen at 8:00. Before entering the kitchen, our grooming and tools were checked by our supervisor according to the standard that have to be followed in the kitchen. If our grooming do not fulfill the standard, then we are not going to be allowed to enter the kitchen. The grooming standard were made  for the sake of our safety when we are doing practice at the kitchen and also to succed the kitchen operational.

After our supervisor checked our grooming and tools, we enterd the kitchen and made oneline. Today were applied the on-off system where we were divided into two groups and everyday there will be one 'on' group, which means the group prepare for the menu that will be serve at the restaurant and responsible for the food in resto. And the 'off' group will do a project to make one product that will be finished and will be resposible to that product until the fifth semester. Today's group prepared for the chicken liver and herb pate hollandaise, clam chowder, spagetty bolognise and baked custard tart

Today, my group was responsible to continue our project. We started to think a few ideas to be presented to Mr. Wawan. After thinking for quite a while and did brain storming, we finally came up with one product that we thought will be able to compete on the market. After that we were waiting for our turn to consulted with Mr. Wawan. After that got the point for our product


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