Table D'Hote 1.1 (MID) English Version

Today was a little bit different than the usual day because today we had middle test. We entered the kitchen around 8 o'clock. For monday, group 1 would have the Middle test which consist of 10 students. So for the middle test, we were helped by our friends from group two(project) where we as the one who had the middle test had the obligation as the leader who handled one course and our friends as the cook helper. We had the obligation to control the cook helper to made courses that we had to make and we were responsible for the courses, so if the cookhelper made a mistake, than it would effect our grade.

I got the responsibility to made appetizer courses. The menu for today was chicken Salad Hawaian. So this course is from Hawai, this salad is cold appetizer. It is called hawaian, because during the serving of this course, the body of this salad which is Hawaian (pineapple) that have been cut into two parts and the centre part of the hawaian is taken off and changed with chicken salad. The chicken is cooked by using sous vide method where tha chicken is marinate with french dressing and put some lemon into the plastic puoch and take out the air, after that the chicken is steamed until the spices percolate into the chicken

Today our food were ready to serve at 12.00. We had prepare the inggridients the day before so we would have enough ingredients. Before starting to made the  course that we responsible for, we were given some referrals from Mr.Syahrial as our examiner and also we explained about the Menu that we would make and directed our cookhelper on what they would do today which were chicken salad hawaian(appetizer), shrimp, bisque (soup), beef stew(main course), butter cake (dessert)


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