Daily Activity 19 August 2019

Today was our first day of practice. Before we entered the kitchen, our assignment was examined. We were given the task from Pak Ical : translate books. So we were divided into 4 groups and each group got one chapter to translate into Indonesian. Each group was also divided one page, like in my group each person got two pages to translate into Indonesian. If our work wasn't completed, then we were not allowed to join practice in the kitchen before completing our task.

All of our tasks have been completed, but not all groups were allowed to enter because there were several groups whose tasks were incomplete and was not accordance with the assignments they should, so only group one were able to enter the kitchen. Other groups need to double checked on their assignments. Around 09.00 AM Mr. Ical showed how to make good croissant. All groups watched Mr. Ical make croissants. After Mr. Ical explaining the steps and techniques to make good croissants, than we starting made croissants.

On those week, we were focusing to make croissants. The fast food theory were being stopped so we were able to finish on croissant theory then able to move on other important theory. Because, if it took a long time for croissant theory, we will miss a lot of other very important theory. Making the croissant for two people, we need to stir 500 gr of the mixture. I made croissant with Mifta, but in 500 gr dough, i share around 250 gr dough with her so we know each other's mistakes.


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