Daily 07 Juni 2018 English Version

Today was the final day. Actually today there was only one group that had final test which was group 1, but because we will break the fasting together tomorrow, so group 1 and group 3 were combined and had to do our final today. So we were at campus at 08.00. In order to be allowed to do the final test, we had to show our report result of our project supervision. And some of us could not join the final test because their report result was not fulfill the requirements

So the students who could not followed the final test, we had to ask Mr.wawan for his signature. After a couple of hours waiting for Mr.Wawan, finally Mr.wawan came around 12.00 and then we asked for his signature and finally we could followed the final test at 12.30. Today, our final test was about menu table d'hote. Group 1 got indonesian menu and group 3 got japanese menu

And as for me, because I am the member of group 1, so I got Indonesian menu. And the menu that we made were... for the appatizer we made jalangkote, for soup we made konro bakar and for the dessert we made pisang iji. I was responsible for making sosok utan. We started doing and when we were done we did plating for each of the sourses and we explained them to Mr.wawan. and after we finished, we broke the fasting and started gc


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